

by 珍妮Lupoff

萨拉托加斯普林斯是个完美的大学城. 然而,真正让它脱颖而出的是, 社区对传统的热情有多高. 有些可能是意料之中的 its horse-racing history — but others can only come from a small city that values 和火博体育学院一样重视创造性思维.

To get a taste (a lot do involve food), here are a few Saratoga traditions Skidmore 学生喜欢.




Filling the High Rock Park Pavilion in the summer and the Lincoln Baths building in the winter, the 萨拉托加农贸市场 provides warm, freshly baked bread, vibrant 全年生产和手工奶酪.

Since 1978, the market has grown to include vendors selling everything from hand-crafted accessories to hydroponic vegetables and even ready-to-eat hot and cold meals. 一次旅行 to the Farmers’ Market is a great way to celebrate the craft and skill of this community.




It may fall on a frigid February day, but Saratoga’s annual Chowderfest is always 备受期待的烹饪庆典.

Every year, Skidmore students and visitors from near and far traverse the packed streets of downtown 萨拉托加温泉市, carefully inching from storefront to storefront so as 不要错过任何一杯1美元的杂烩汤.

To put it in perspective, according to Discover Saratoga, in 2018, 88 restaurants 为4万人提供了超过13.7万杯的杂烩汤. 

From classic seafood to spicy chicken, hearty vegetable or even dessert chowder, each 餐厅提供自己独特的旋转在这丰富的汤. 有这么多样品,你会 always have a cup in hand, warming your frozen fingers and tiding you over as you 你的味蕾期待着下一勺.



While some towns gather together with noise makers, jerseys and face paint for a highly anticipated sports game, we do things a little differently in Saratoga, trading baseball 用于戏剧性的、装饰性的帽子.

Saratoga’s most known tradition, the annual Saratoga Race Course meet, has drawn a 150年来,每年夏天都会有大批人群涌向这座城市. 事实上,萨拉托加的人口 弹簧 三元组在夏天. 作为火博体育纯种马,一定要瞥见这些 疾驰的马在跑道上奔驰.


Nationally ranked as one of the top five towns with the most restaurants per capita, 萨拉托加泉是名副其实的美食胜地. 所以萨拉托加的年度餐厅 周是秋季的最爱.

Throughout the week, patrons can enjoy a $20 or $30 three-course meal or a $10 lunch 参与餐厅特色菜. 有这么多的选择,这么近的校园,餐厅 Week offers the perfect chance for a college student to explore — at a fixed price -萨拉托加独特的餐厅.



Put away your books, but keep them close by for the 南瓜大挑战. 对于这个 creative, Halloween-themed contest held by Skidmore’s very own Scriber Library, participants 设计一个“文学灵感”南瓜.

Using their literary-artistic minds, students and 教师 transform their pumpkins 变成富有想象力的艺术作品. 过去的作品包括灰姑娘的马车——完整的 with Cinderella herself — the Lorax seated on his tree stump surrounded by truffula 还有《火博体育》标志性的深蓝色封面.

The finished pumpkins, bearing very little resemblance to a winter squash, are put 供所有图书馆的读者欣赏. 在火博体育,创造性的可能性 真的是无穷无尽.



It may be one of Saratoga’s newer traditions, but for this foodie community, there 庆祝吃饭的方式永远不会太多吗.

Held in mid-October, the 国际Flavorfeast celebrates the international culinary 萨拉托加温泉的味道和风格. 有来自法国、中国、日本、意大利的菜肴 and Mexico, just to name a few, participants experience worldly flavors in the heart 萨拉托加泉的.

With nearly 30 participating restaurants, flavor-feasters can sample everything from 土豆卷、寿司卷、墨西哥卷和意大利肉酱面. 每个样品只要1美元 活动是尝试新事物的绝佳机会.




Travel back in time as you make your way along a brightly lit Broadway on a chilly 12月的夜晚. 充满了音乐、表演、购物和丰富的精神 维多利亚街步道 is the perfect way to celebrate the arrival of the holiday season.

Sponsored by the 萨拉托加温泉市 Downtown Business Association, this event is just one of the many quintessential traditions that bring together members of the community, local businesses and Skidmore students, many of whom volunteer as performers and behind-the-scenes 活动策划.




There’s no question that Skidmore has a unique bond with 萨拉托加温泉市. 还有 no better way to show appreciation for this city than to give back to it. 支持 charitable causes is a tradition for Skid Kids and Saratogians alike.

Off campus, students volunteer at organizations such as the Saratoga Senior Center, 萨拉托加桥,萨拉托加庇护所和富兰克林社区中心. 在校园里,每个人 holiday season the Skidmore Cares program raises donations of food, provisions and 萨拉托加社区的学习用品. 自2006年以来,该项目筹集了更多资金 than $90,000 for community causes and has distributed more than 28,000 items.

No matter the season, place or time, there are dozens of ways to get involved in this 关怀的传统. 


All year round, these one-of-a-kind traditions, whether they’re 150 years old or five, 带来无尽的欢乐和娱乐. 但最重要的是,他们一直在联系 我们彼此在一起. Each tradition, whether it be a light-hearted dog parade or volunteer work, strengthens the bond between Skidmore and the creative and passionate city it 打电话回家是幸运吗.



珍妮Lupoff is an art history major with a management and business minor from Westport, 连接icut. 她喜欢所有视觉事物背后精心制作的故事, 使她的两个研究领域完美结合. 虽然来自郊区, she feels truly at home in bustling cities and enjoys exploring — preferably on foot — the energy, 新地方的食物和商店.


+组织+照片+了+ + + +和+识别+退休仪式.
工作人员, 教师, and retirees from across campus came together at this year’s Retirement and Recognition Ceremony to enjoy good food, 好公司, 尊敬的同事, and celebrate the achievements and milestones of the Skidmore community.

Using resources from Skidmore's Billie Tisch Center for Integrated Sciences, Leo Parra ’24 was asked to help try to solve two archaeological mysteries during his senior year at Skidmore.

凯瑟琳+ Almquist + % 2724 +在+ +游戏+ + Skidmore学院.
Katherine Almquist '24 was selected as the winner of the National Arthur Ashe Jr. 领导及体育精神奖.

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