
From prerequisite to passion

by 哈利·穆尼,21岁

I never considered myself to be the type of student who excels at STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) or quantitative analysis. 英语 and history were always the subjects I was most comfortable with and successful at. In fact, it felt like I spent my high school years collecting red “X”s on calculus tests.  

Thus, I had convinced myself that the dichotomous worlds of math, science, rules, systematic proofs and a definitive right and wrong weren’t for me.

But then I came to Skidmore and the liberal arts curriculum challenged me to think 不同的. 

作为一个新兴的 哲学专业的学生, I had to enroll in Introduction to Logic.


I went in thinking it would just be a box to check in my academic career. 但有些事情 about it completely changed the way I thought about philosophy.  

Ladd大厅 at 火博体育大学

The 哲学系 is in Ladd大厅

I won’t pretend that logic is stereotypically “cool” (though, isn’t everything cool to whomever is passionate about it?). Regardless, I found myself completely riveted as I used rules and systems to break down things I thought were exclusively abstract — written and spoken words, arguments and more.  

OK, here’s the cheesy part: It felt like I had a super power.

Here I was, the free-associating, conceptually abstract, rule-skirting writer, talking 火博体育“句子逻辑”.”

I’d completely transformed because of one class.  But wait, it gets even better.

It was one thing to study and get good grades, but then something even more remarkable 发生了.

Thanks to a close relationship with my academic adviser, I discovered I was actually really good, too, and I got the opportunity to be a teaching assistant for the exact class that changed my perspective. 

I decided immediately that I was game, for three reasons: 

1. 这是我们文化的一部分.  

Peer support is deeply embedded in life at Skidmore.

From peer mentors for academics and peer health educators for all things personal and wellness-related, to plenty of informal support systems in between, we students 有彼此的存在吗. And truthfully, it was an honor to join the club because it meant giving back to the community that supports me.  

2. 我现在明白了. Interdisciplinary study matters.    

I’m so grateful that I learned I could be really good at something I never expected while I still have time left at Skidmore.

Getting the chance to be an approachable peer support for students who may not be too thrilled about taking logic was exciting to me.

Now, I understand not everyone will have an epiphany like I did. 但奇迹可以 发生的,对吧?  

3. It means something to me, and to future me.  

当然,这是一份工作. Sure, it’s a very academic-focused experience. 我会使用真理吗? tables in my future career? 可能不是. But the skills I’m gaining will last a lifetime.

From a class I never expected and a role I never anticipated, I now know what it’s like to coach, mentor and teach. 我 accidentally given bad feedback (and learned 从我的错误中吸取教训). 我 given pre-test pep talks that would make Henry V beam. 我 seen first-hand how people learn 不同的, consume information 不同的 and can sit in the same room and interpret something from entirely different perspectives. All of which, I’m positive, is priceless.  

Walkway on 火博体育大学 campus
I would have laughed if someone told me when I arrived at Skidmore that “sentence math” would be my favorite academic interest. But here I am, unabashedly doting about it.  

如果火博体育 哲学系 can make me, of all people, enjoy formal logic, I see no limit to what else it can do. 



哈里是一名大三学生 北布里奇顿,缅因州, studying history and philosophy. You will likely find him at the climbing gym, 图书馆, the Adirondack high peaks, or his bird’s eye window seat high up in Jonsson Tower. His favorite building on campus is D-Hall and his favorite color is chartreuse.

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