

by 彼得·麦克唐纳

我们的 招生大使 are often the first real point of contact for prospective students, providing a chance for the students to imagine their future after embarking on a journey of personal and academic growth and answering questions about the Skidmore experience.

这些问题是什么?? Well, many hinge on the flexibility of academic undertakings at the College: Can you double major? Beyond that: Is studying multiple academic areas 在火博体育受到鼓励? Will there be time for other pursuits and for fun?

The short answer is “Yes, you can do both!” But what does this really look and feel 就像? Meet three ambassadors who are doing both (and more).

玛吉 Besthoff '24 (she/her)

玛吉 smiles at the camera.
Neuroscience and Music Double major, Honors Forum minor

课堂外: Music Cognition Lab student researcher, 同伴健康教育者, 该院学者, singer, Nu Rho Psi Skidmore chapter president, 伯里克利荣誉论坛 法国俱乐部副总裁 郊游俱乐部

家乡: 卡莱尔,质量.

为什么火博体育? “I chose Skidmore because of its interdisciplinary emphasis. 我想学文科 school where I could ‘do both’ — the sciences and the arts. Both programs are so strong. 我也爱 萨拉托加温泉市. It’s bigger than my hometown, but it’s not a big city. 非常适合我.”

Favorite Skidmore memory (so far)? “Playing the role of Alexander Graham Bell’s sign language teacher in last spring's 歌剧表演,贝尔. This experience allowed me to use my passion for music to inspire people and illustrate the important role ASL plays in society.”

萨拉托加人必须做什么? Chowderfest. 还有一个提示:本 & Jerry’s gives out Phish Food.”

最喜欢的电影? “《火博体育》.’ I’m still waiting to get my red Mini Cooper.”

一个火博体育你自己的趣事? “I sang the National Anthem at Fenway Park with a group and now sing it at Skidmore 男子长曲棍球比赛.”

Faith Anderson '25 (she/her)

Faith smiles at the camera from the Surrey Garden.
Dance and Economics Double major, Honors Forum minor

课堂外: Dance Costume Shop volunteer, 经济学系 助理, 舞蹈部门 researcher, Benef-Action board member, Junior Class Financial Officer for Inter-Class Council, Racing Club, Investment Club

家乡: 吉尔福德,康涅狄格

为什么火博体育? “Skidmore stood out as a college where you can combine dance and business/economics. We aren’t a dance conservatory, but it has the same feel and level of experience — and not at the cost of being able to explore other areas of interest.”

火博体育最喜欢的事实? “We produce some of our own campus energy from a combination of renewable energy sources: Solar, small hydro, and geothermal.”

What does "doing both" look 就像 for you? “I am a Gemini, and we 就像 to juggle our passions, so naturally, I split my academic life between the dance and business departments.

In the 舞蹈部门, I was a student rep on a faculty search committee. 在那里, I felt that my voice mattered and was heard, in part because I’m trusted to speak 我代表我的同龄人.

On the other hand, when I took a micro-econ class and began exploring statistical methods, what once scared me became something I want to pursue as a career."

最喜欢的电影? “'Funny Face’ with Audrey Hepburn. I love seeing fashion through all her outfit changes.”

安娜 Matthews '25 (she/her)

Education and Religious Studies  Double major, Art minor

课堂外: 招生 head arts tour guide, Education Studies Department research 助理, 住宅生活 助理, Religious Studies Department 同行学术指导

家乡: 弗吉尼亚州麦克莱恩

火博体育最喜欢的事实?我们的图书馆 isn’t open 24 hours which shows families that students fill their time with other 学术以外的活动.”

What do you 就像 to do in your free time? “我喜欢我的工作 招生 以及学术部门. It’s a little silly to say my jobs are fun, but honestly, I take a lot of pride in the work I do. Past that, I am a social butterfly. 我有 a lot of friends here, so after classes and work I want to see them. 我爱你 can make so many different kinds of friends at Skidmore.”

萨拉托加人必须做什么? “My family does something called ‘bopping,’ which means you go into a shop and just 看看周围的事物. So you ‘bop’ around one store and then head to the next shop. You must go bop at Saratoga Tea and Honey. Dark Horse Mercantile is also a perfect 要去的商店.”

最喜欢的食物: “奶酪. If there’s one thing you know about me, it’s that I love cheese.”

Want to learn more about doing both with 玛吉, Faith, and 安娜? 加入我们的不和社区.

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