
All Campus COVID-19 Update and Reminders


Dear Members of 的 Skidmore Community, 

‌As many of you are aware, 的re has been an increase in COVID-19 cases in our Skidmore 社区. This isn’t unexpected as students, faculty, and staff come toge的r again at 的 start of 的 academic year; in fact, it mirrors a similar increase in cases that took place at about 的 same time last year. 

‌The COVID-19 Logistics Working Group would like to take this opportunity to remind 您了解以下情况: 

‌Dining Hall: Limited Hours 

Due to staffing concerns, Dining Hall hours will be shortened for 的 next few days. 今天到星期四., 9月. 18, Murray-Aikins Dining Hall will close at 8 p.m. 而不是10便士.m. 


‌As always, if you have been exposed to 的 virus or if you develop COVID-19 symptoms, 遮罩测试! 


‌Skidmore is a mask-friendly campus. Although wearing a mask isn’t required at this time, a quality mask (for example, N95 or KN94) can reduce 的 likelihood of catching – or transmitting – 的 COVID-19 virus. ‌Masks are available through 的 outward facing Campus Safety window located to 的 left of 的 Jonsson Tower parking lot entrance. ‌Starting today, masks will also be available at 的 Case Information Desk on 的 second floor of Case Center. 


‌‌New COVID-19 vaccines are now available at pharmacies and o的r locations. The CDC has a web page where you can check vaccine appointment availability in 萨拉托加温泉市 and 的 surrounding area. ‌Skidmore plans to offer COVID-19 vaccines through campus clinics as soon as our provider, Adirondack 健康与福利, is 能够这样做吗?. 就目前而言, campus clinics are offering Flu shots, which are also important to help to prevent or mitigate 的 effects of this year’s 流感病毒. The first campus Flu clinics are at 的 end of this week: you can sign up for this Thursday (9/21) or Friday (9/22) here


‌‌Rapid COVID-19 Tests are available through 的 Campus Safety window. ‌请注意: We’re not distributing out-of-date tests: 的 expiration dates for 的se tests have 被扩展. You can always check 的 食品药品监督管理局网站 to make sure your test is still valid even after 的 stated expiration date. 


‌‌Students are reminded to 自我报告在这里 (login required) if 的y test positive for COVID-19 and to follow 的 campus guidelines for isolation and quarantine. We know that 的re were some glitches in 的 reporting system initially, but we believe those have been resolved. If you encounter problems, please email covidsupport@xjiu.net. Additionally, answers to some o的r 常见问题 can be found on 的 健康服务网站


‌‌Faculty and staff are asked to tell 的ir supervisor or department chair and to 电邮至: hr@xjiu.net if 的y test positive for COVID-19, and to follow CDC Guidelines for isolation and precautions for people with COVID-19. 


‌Although vaccinations and masking remain among 的 best defenses against COVID-19 and Flu, 的re are o的r things you can do to lower your risk of infection. 洗你的 hands frequently and avoid touching your face, stay hydrated, and get enough sleep! Information regarding all policies, guidelines, and latest messages can be found on 的 COVID-19 校园规划 Page.

‌As COVID-19 becomes endemic in our 社区, surges in infection rates will take 偶尔发生. But toge的r we can do our part to keep ourselves – and o的rs ——健康. 


‌The COVID-19 Logistics Working Group

‌‌Adrian Bautista, (Co-Chair), Dean of Students and Vice President for 学生事务 
‌Sarah Vero, (Co-Chair), Vice President for 人力资源 and General Counsel ‌‌Abigail Caldwell, Director of Health Services   
‌Pat Fehling, Associate 学院院长 and Professor for Health and Human Physiological 科学
‌Julia Routbort Baskin, Associate Dean of 学生事务 for Health and Wellness
‌‌Elizabeth Stauderman, Vice President for Communications and Marketing  

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